The Many Shades of WELL-BEING

The seed of the title, The Many Shades of Well-Being, was planted in the immediate aftermath of Covid and has now blossomed into a many-leaved book. Contained within are the journeys of 22 people who have turned their life’s blueprint from darkness to the brightest shade of light. Their stories are a reminder that amidst the fleetingness of everything we hold on to, there is a part of us that chooses to remain faithful to the idea of being well. As these humans revealed their stories, Reshma Jain embraced her role as an immersed listener curating and absorbing the complexity of their lives, living their lives’ trajectory vicariously through them. Most of these contributors are non-writers who embraced writing as a challenge and present their story with authenticity.

This book brings forward no extraordinary stories. Only an introduction to how ordinary humans continually enable themselves to tap into their extraordinariness.

My love for this book has brought it here. With you, may it grow.


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